What is the ‘Golden Thread of Information' when it comes to building safety?

Where did the term 'Golden Thread of Information' come from?
The term ‘golden thread of information’ was first used by Dame Judith Hackitt in her report in 2018, which was commissioned by the Government as an independent review of Building Regulations, as a result of the Grenfell Tower Fire in June 2017. In this Hackitt stressed the importance of record keeping and the transfer of information as key elements that would contribute to the new ‘safety culture’ that was desperately needed. A vital component of this culture is the ‘golden thread’, which will become essential for all construction industry professionals moving forward.
The Hackitt report identified shortcomings in the way building safety information was recorded and transferred between one person/organisation to another. It noted that without the ‘golden thread’, those responsible did not have sufficient information on how to safeguard their buildings correctly.
But what exactly is the ’golden thread of information’?
It is essentially a term that relates to digital record keeping. A record keeping of all specifications, fire test evidence, certifications, maintenance and all other information required for full details and traceability of a fire door, or fire stopping component.
This will ensure that a clear trail is present to that every door and other fire stopping component is procured, installed, managed and maintained correctly and in accordance with the guidelines laid out in law.
Those responsible are better able to assess, maintain, and manage building safety when they have all the relevant information they need at their fingertips. This is why the 'golden thread' is so crucial to this.
How can R2R provide you with this crucial information?
R2R are an fully accredited Firestopping company, with BM Trada, as such we produce a detailed record of all Fire stopping and Fire Door works completed at your properties. We provide you with detailed reports of surveys, and all works carried out. We give every door, or fire stopping seal a unique ID number to ensure it is easily traced and recognisable when we provide you with the correlating documents and records, and for all future works.
By using a fully certified company you can be assured that our work and records are always inline with the latest in government and building safety guidelines. Our knowledge will give you peace of mind that the work and surveys we carry out for you will provide you with a detailed 'golden thread' of information for all fire stopping components, ensuring the highest level of fire safety of your building.
If you would like to know more about our certification and how we provide you with all the details and 'golden thread of information' you need to comply with the latest changes in the Building Safety Act then please get in touch with us today and a member of our team will be happy to talk through how we can help you.
